Medicine House of Canada
Medicine House of Canada

Medicine House of Canada

2020 - A private online hub for alternative therapists in Eastern Canada who promote spiritual well-being

Delving into the Nature and Spirit of Consciousness

Medicine House of Canada (MHC) is a group of holistic therapists in eastern Canada looking to start a conversation about the exploration of consciousness. Putting together a group of alternative therapists under one umbrella makes MHC the best place to find inner healing while connecting with other enlightened souls. It was clear from the beginning of the project that a Content Management System (CMS) was essential.

A Meetup Group with An Extended Reach

Not many social networks offer the event features that Meetup does, which is why it's Medicine House of Canada’s preferred method of communication. However, Meetup lacked the customization that MHC needed in order to expand the brand digitally. 

A Digital Hub Full of Magic & Colour

In the new website, the user lands on a password-protected Login Screen with a very retro look & feel. It was a requirement by stakeholders that this page paid homage to the movie “The Matrix” given that its main character, Neo, wanted to expand his consciousness—which is also the goal of this site. 

The simplicity of this site can be appreciated in the details—the dark blue background emphasize the yellow letters and white shapes. There are 5 options to choose from and at the center, a spinning vortex, visually surrounded by stars & satellites.

For the Love of Interactions in Web Design

The wonderful combination of HTML, CSS, and Javascript allows for this site to have a Three-Dimensional (3D) interactions on desktop browsers. Custom code was used to create hexagonal shapes under the “Offerings” page. The Blog and Offerings feature a custom-built CMS system that allows members of MHC to login and make changes to their respective posts and pages.


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